Village Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Shellharbour

Dietary changes to reduce inflammation in your body

Continuing on from our previous blog about the connection between your gut and your immune system, I have included some simple dietary and lifestyle changes that you can make to help reduce inflammation in your body.  This inflammation could be due to injury, poor food choices or a diagnosed inflammatory condition.

Consume plenty of:

  • Water
  • Herbs & spices: especially turmeric (curcumin) and ginger, also cinnamon and garlic
  • Omega 3: which consist of fish and seafood (e.g. wild salmon, sardines, muscles/ oysters). If you’re not a fan of fish – consider a fish oil supplements.
  • Good/ healthy fats: such as extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, nuts (especially almonds and walnuts), avocado, seeds and ground flaxseed
  • Vegetables:  both raw and cooked, and all types.  Especially dark green leafy vegetables: spinach, kale and broccoli.
  • Fruit: Especially colourful fruits such as blueberries, blackberries, cherries, strawberries
  • Whole grains: Whole wheats, whole oats and brown rice
  • Supplements: Cod liver oil, Vitamin C, E and D3
  • Antioxidants: Golgi berries, tea, dark chocolate


  • Refined carbohydrates: white bread, cereal, white rice, white potatoes and pasta
  • Alcohol consumption: as it weakens the liver function


  • Sugar: triggers the release of inflammatory messengers called cytokines. Avoid ingredients ending in ‘ose’, eg fructose, sucrose
  • MSG foods: Asian food, soy sauce, fast food, salad dressing and deli meats
  • Processed foods: cookies, chips, lollies and other snacks.
  • Stress and/or smoking

Individual variance:

Nightshade vegetables: Limited evidence on whether night shade vegetables (eggplant, tomatoes, capsicums and potatoes) causes a trigger to inflammation. Try cutting out nightshade vegetables for 2 weeks to see if symptoms improve.

Capsicums: high quantities of anti-oxidant vitamins and lower levels of starch. In some people may exacerbate inflammation.

Tomatoes: Rich in lycopene, shown to reduce inflammation but in some individuals may cause inflammation.


anti-inflammation diet


For more information, give us a call, or book a session with one of our wonderful team members.

Amy Kivell
