Village Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Shellharbour

Work Place Injury Rehabilitation

Do you need work place injury rehabilitation? Ask yourself these questions...

Have you recently had a workplace or motor vehicle accident? Have you ever felt like an ‘old’ injury is still haunting you? Giving you niggles, aches and pains? Or never felt like you were able to return to your full potential despite the traumatic injury having healed?

If you have answered yes to any one of the above questions then we are here to help. Not only do we work in the acute care of workplace/motor vehicle injuries but also with long term post traumatic and work place injury rehabilitation.

Although the initial inflammation and injury may have rectified, your biomechanics may not have optimised. This can lead to the ongoing loading of tissues, aches and pains. At Village Physiotherapy Shellharbour we will perform comprehensive assessment and tailor a treatment and rehabilitation program for your needs.

Workplace and Motor Vehicle Accidents

Treatment for those with acute work place injuries or motor vehicle accidents is provided. If you are looking to seek this service, give us a call. You will require some specific documents for treatment to begin:

  • GP referral
  • Claim details (name of insurer, name of case manager, claim number)
  • Contact details for your case manager
  • Notice of acceptance of liability from the insurer

Work Place Injury Rehabilitation

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