Village Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Shellharbour


You may be eligible to receive an EPC referral from your GP if you suffer from a chronic condition.

Individuals are eligible for up to 5 Medicare sessions per calendar year.

Our exercise physiologist can work with you to design and implement an exercise program to assist in the management of your chronic conditions.

From the blog

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Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune condition affecting the nervous system with no know cure. Symptoms are varied with diagnosis sometimes difficult. Exercise therapy has been found to be effective in managing and lessening symptoms. Find out about the current guidelines around exercise therapy....


The Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) is a thick, strong ligament on the inside of your knee. The role of the ACL is to prevent too much movement of the two main bones of the leg (Tibia and Femur)during walking, running, jumping, and landing....


We all know regular exercise has so many wonderful benefits, yet 85% of people do not meet the current physical activity guidelines. Why then is it so challenging to stick to a regular exercise routine? Incorporating exercise into our lives can be challenging for so many people and largely depends on your own individual circumstances....